What type persona are you?

Four different green personas

Every person is different. Groenpact discovered that we can distinguish between four different employee profiles in the green domain. We refer to these profiles as the green personas. They offer insight into your attitude towards work, what is important to you and what suits you when it comes to learning and development.


If you have just taken the green personas test, you can find out more here about the different employee profiles. We have a handy download available for each persona, to give you and your employer insight into motivation and suitable learning methods.

Ambitious Career Person

Ambitious career people enjoy their freedom, in their work but also away from work. They love to head out and explore the world and have busy schedules. Ambitious career people are entrepreneurially minded and want to continue to grow in terms of substance and advance their careers. They can see endless opportunities to keep developing themselves. Their bookshelves are overflowing, but ambitious career people also enjoy learning in conversations with others during, for example, networking meetings, intervision, and study or work trips.

Ambitious career people generally value the following things in their work:

  • Freedom
  • Variety
  • Substantive development
  • Autonomy
  • Status
  • Flexibility
  • Creativity

Learning methods that are a good fit for ambitious career people include:

  • (Online) training sessions/courses, including with self-study
  • Intervision groups and learning networks
  • Webinars and seminars

Goal-oriented go-getter

Goal-oriented go-getters enjoy keeping a close eye on developments in the green domain. For example, they enjoy reading industry news or engaging in conversation about it with those around them. Goal-oriented go-getters value growth, in their jobs as well as in the company. They prefer leadership roles or entrepreneurial roles. They also like having a clear, concrete learning goal in mind and working towards it step-by-step.

Goal-oriented go-getters generally value the following aspects in their work:

  • Challenge
  • Reward
  • Result
  • Continued development
  • Clarity
  • Speed

Learning methods that are a good fit for goal-oriented go-getters include:

  • (longer) training or coaching programs
  • Immediately applicable (day) courses that come with a certificate
  • External company visits (a look behind the scenes elsewhere)



Down-to-earth doer

Down-to-earth doers value structure and regularity in their work. A friendly work atmosphere is also important to them, and they are happy to help colleagues. A permanent contract with fixed working hours and a steady income give down-to-earth doers peace of mind. What about learning? Down-to-earth doers don't need to climb the career ladder, but they do like getting some space to continue discovering what they are good at and what suits them. It is helpful to them if they are given time during working hours to do a (short) course, for example.

Down-to-earth doers generally value the following things in their work:

  • Security
  • Freedom
  • Collegiality
  • Appreciation
  • Guidance
  • Clarity

Learning methods that are a good fit for down-to-earth doers include:

  • Short, quick courses
  • Learning from colleagues in the workplace
  • Learning by watching and doing, rather than reading and doing homework

Conscious developer

Conscious developers want to contribute to a more beautiful and sustainable world in their job. They feel committed to society and their immediate environment and therefore make a conscious choice to work in the green domain. Conscious developers like to work on their development on a substantive level, as well as on a personal level. They enjoy working for an employer who encourages them in this regard. Personal development is more important careerism for conscious developers.

Conscious developers generally value the following things in their work:

  • Personal development
  • Income security
  • Inspiring leader
  • Collegiality
  • Work-life balance
  • Collegiality and teamspirit

Learning methods that are a good fit for conscious developers include:

  • Internal think tanks and master classes
  • Online training sessions and courses
  • Short training sessions and courses (professional and personal development)
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